Monday, October 02, 2006

oh is that so? i beg to differ.

"love makes the world go 'round."

for generations, this simple statement has brought even more meaning to an everyday love. it has sparked countless romances and inspired couples to shoot for the stars. unfortunate for these naive, love-struck, silly little puppies, i am here to prove them wrong.

love does not, i repeat, does NOT make the world go 'round.

while experiencing so called "love", a person will be fooled into doing many regretable things that, after heartbreak, are looked back upon as idiotic and quite nauseous. in my life, i have been in two "serious" relationships. during the climax of both of these relationships, i was convinced i was in love. as i look back upon both of them, i realize i was in lust. lust for the feeling "love" brings.. lust for that one "special" person.. lust for.. lusting.

perhaps i should explain. my first more "serious" relationship began when i was in eighth grade. i thought i was on top of the world. my boyfriend was sixteen. he was "hot". i had it all. we "dated" for thirteen months. and three days before my fifteenth birthday, four days before valentine's day, my "true love" absolutely mutilated my heart.

looking back upon that first relationship of mine, i realized that i was in fact one of those naive people, completely fooled by the thought of love. i never, ever imagined getting my heart crushed and stomped on. yet it happened. grasping these new concepts, i looked at what i had learned from my first boyfriend and took it to heart.

ten months later, still trying to get over "him", i was introduced to who would soon become my second and most recent "serious boyfriend". he was perfect: drop-dead gorgeous grayish-blueish eyes, dark skin, shaggy brown hair. we hit it off.. rather fast in fact, and within a week of our first date, we were "dating". over the next eight months, our relationship blossomed into something that i think was probably a bit more than my eighth grade "love". he was a junior, i was a sophomore. i seemed to have more experience in the relationship department, and had a stronger backbone. i never would let my guard down, just for the sake of protecting my pride and not letting myself get hurt again.

everything was great. we never fought. time and time again, our friends would tell us how jealous they were of the love that the two of us shared. we were together every weekend. i would go watch him play baseball, and he would come watch movies with me. we went to his prom, which was a first for the two of us. we shared in all the typical moments of "high school sweethearts". that's what we were. or so i thought.

with summer came traveling. i was off at shows, and he was off at baseball tournaments. neither of us wanted to disturb the others goals in life, and so we were understanding. we spent as much time together as we could. but we were struck with the same demise as most high school romances. a week-long trip to panama city beach with his closest buddies led to lies and tears. and a broken heart.

we broke up. didn't speak for four days. within a week of the breakup, however, we were back together. he swore it was what he wanted and that he wasn't going to let me down again.
he lied.

which leads me back to the point of this ranting.

love does not make the world go 'round.

while being in love (or lust as i actually was), you experience the most amazing feelings in the world. nothing can substitute for it. except for the pain of heartache. and since the majority of relationships do in fact fail, love does not make the world go 'round. the only push it gets is from the one "true love" that is found in a lifetime, if at all.

on a negative side, the effects of "love" are harsh. while the first boyfriend and i are now friends, the second boyfriend, the one i was so sure was god-sent, and i are not. while we've "been with other people" since we broke up, we are in no way over each other. i miss him and i know he sure as heck misses me. but because of our experiences, neither of us will let our feelings get in the way of our pride, and we will continue our lives never knowing.

and of course, and never giving love a chance to make the world go 'round.


At 9:48 AM, Blogger Ashley Ann said...

i love you mucho.


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